23.09.2024 - 14.10.2025 / Week 1 - Week 4
Marsya Arisa Binti Mahmud / 0359684
Experiential Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media / Taylor's University
Task 1: Trending Experience

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<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IQMSAp_WqgIql1kTRnSL12wyoCvImBov/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>


WEEK 1 - 23/09/24
Imagine the scenario in either of the two places. What would the AR experience be and what extended visualization can be useful? What do you want the user to feel?
  • Kitchen
  • Shopping Mall
  • Gym
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ML93MSI7Uw0FAJ0UQhQ48lsOfXNz8qzw/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

WEEK 2 - 30/09/24
During our week 2 practical, we were instructed to get into groups and come up with a scenario to construct a journey map, whilst incorporating AR in our ways. My group and I decided to create a journey map at 'Texas Chicken'. 

Figure 1.1: Journey Map at Texas Chicken

After the group activity, I was taught to import Vuforia Engine into Unity projects, generate a database using Target Manager and adding a licence key. 

Figure 1.2: Vuforia

I also learned how to create a project and construct its build and settings on Unity. The project for this week includes using the AR camera so that a cube pops up when it scans an image.

WEEK 3 - 07/10/24
For Week 3, I learned how to create interactive UI buttons from the image target tutorial from last week. The cube pop ups when the image is detected and does a specific movement upon clicking on the buttons. 

Figure 1.3: UI Buttons

WEEK 4 - 14/10/24
For Week 4, I worked on a new project that involves a ground detector, where several cubes could appear upon scanning the ground through my device. For this to happen, I used the 'AR camera', 'Plane Finder' and 'Ground Plane Stage'. Then I exported the Unity project from my laptop to my phone to understand its functionality.

Figure 1.4: Markerless AI



WEEK 1 - 23/09/24
I was introduced to AR design, specifically on how it could enhance user experience in our daily lives. I was given scenarios to explore where AR could be implemented. This activity helped me process and consider how it could improve tasks or add value to physical spaces. It pushed me to brainstorm how AR could make spaces more interactive. 

WEEK 2 - 30/09/24
The group activity helped me understand how AR can be integrated into general spaces. The journey map gives a clear workflow on how we interact with public spaces and how AR could make those interactions smoother and engaging. Getting to learn Unity tools was a milestone for me, I had no experience with AR and Unity before this module and now I get to learn how to integrate AR myself. 

WEEK 3 - 07/10/24
For week 3, I built on last week's progress by learning how to creative interactive UI button in Unity. I made the cube pop up when the target image was detected and I was able to trigger movements with the buttons. This added a layer of interactivity to the AR experience. I'm starting to think more deeply about user interaction and how these elements can create a more engaging experience.

WEEK 4 - 14/10/24
In week 4, I focused on marker less AR and using tools on Unity to trigger the cube through my phone camera. This helps me understand how AR interacts with the real world. It also makes me wonder how much time and effort it takes to create a fully functioning app that involves these tools. 
